Obstacles Facing Women Working in The Jordanian Construction Industry: Women's Perspective
Jordan, Construction Industry, Sociocultural Obstacles, Managerial Obstacles, Economic ObstaclesAbstract
This study aimed to examine the societal, managerial, and economic barriers that prevent women from working in Jordanian construction. In addition, the purpose of this study was to evaluate, from a woman's perspective, how the factors of scientific qualifications, marital status, number of weekly working days, and family health insurance connect to the low rate of women's participation in construction. A questionnaire was devised to determine which impediments were the most significant. There were 22 minor hurdles. 160 questionnaires were intentionally dispersed, resulting in 157 valid copies for statistical analysis. The significant socio-cultural barriers are conventions and traditions, organizational barriers are difficult working circumstances, and economic barriers are the high cost of living. This study suggested establishing policies and legislation that address women's challenges to promote social awareness, alter stereotypes, and increase the number of women in the construction business.